Windows Installer 4.5 Beta 2 测试开始

by @yinyin on 2008-03-24 09:31:42

昨天微软电邮说Windows Installer 4.5 Beta 2 build版本出来(内测),于是马上下载!据邮件说这是正式版出现之前的最后一个beta版本!应该是很快正式版就能与大家见面了。现附上部分邮件内容:

Hello Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 Beta Testers!

This message is to let you know that we have just made the Windows Installer 4.5 Beta 2 build, tools and documentation available on Microsoft Connect. This is our last planned beta release before we ship Windows Installer 4.5, so your feedback is especially important at this stage. Please log into the Windows Installer 4.5 beta program on Microsoft Connect today to access the new bits!

- Tyler Robinson, Windows Installer Lead PM