10 Lessons for Young —— John C Jay | ZFreet CHeung

by @zfreet on 2011-03-21 09:19:37

下面十条内容的标题原本是《10 Lessons for Young Designers》,是John C Jay 给年青设计师们的十条经验教训,不过对所有正常的年青人都有帮助,和设计师职业并无太大关系,所以我擅自扩大了标题的适用范围,翻译得也比较口水。


1. 做真实的自己,独特的个性才是自己最强大的资本,不要听从别人安排你该做什么。

Be authentic. The most powerful asset you have is your individuality, what makes you unique. It’s time to stop listening to others on what you should do.

2. 要比别人更努力,最终总会有收获。

Work harder than anyone else and you will always benefit from the effort.

3. 离开电脑世界,走进生活中去接触真实的人和物,体味人生。

Get off the computer and connect with real people and culture. Life is visceral.


Constantly improve your craft. Make things with your hands. Innovation in thinking is not enough.


Travel as much as you can. It is a humbling and inspiring experience to learn just how much you don’t know.