gOS Rocket 2.0 WEB2.0时代的操作系统?

by @xer on 2008-01-21 22:45:38


gOS might seem a familiar yet new name to most of the users. gOS is basically a new Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and Enlightenment. It is a kind of new Operating System for the modern Web 2.0 users which is totally powered by Google Apps and Web 2.0 Apps and introduces the concept of using the Web for everything.

gOS Rocket 2.0 was recently released at the Consumer Electronics Show 2008 and is now available to download for free.

gOS works perfectly on low specification computers as it uses very little amount of RAM and processing speed. It highly depends on Web 2.0 and Ajax web technology and almost all applications on the gOS are web based.

gOS Rocket also comes integrated with Google Gears, which suggests that in the future the on-line google applications can be used while off-line.

The primary UI of gOS has a Mac OSX Leapord-like Dock menu called the iBar which features icons for the following Google applications and services:

Google Mail

Google News

Google Calendar

Google Maps

Google Docs

Google Products




