又一款在线WebOS: X Mercury

by @cacard on 2007-07-04 02:49:01

喜欢Mac操作系统的朋友有福了,X Mercury是一款模仿Mac OS X的web OS,里面还内置了一些iTunes,iWeb,Safri,iPhoto的软件,好像国外一个家伙自己做的,挺厉害。

Originating from the thought to put personal things in a cool and stylish way on the web, the idea for a new kind of website came to light. After reaching enlightenment with Mac OS X Tiger, I wanted to put my personal desktop with personal content online. In an enlightening way. From today, you will never look at other personal homepages quite the same way again. Presenting OS X Mercury. Because it’s 2007.