
by @xjyzhenai on 2008-11-08 23:01:21

Sixent是一个社会化SNS网络平台的基础上,在线分享您的现实生活的服务。image随着Sixent您可以: *在一个帐户中创建不同的配置文件 *轻松地组织您的联系类别,例如,“朋友”,“家庭”,“同事”等 *新增内容和使用增强隐私保护功能,以决定谁看到什么内容 *与其他人协作分享信息 Sixent Welcome to Sixent Sixent is a social networking platform built on the belief that you should be able to share your life online as you do in the real world. Whether you want to connect with friends, family, business contacts, or the world, Sixent gives you the ability to share the right information with the right people. All without anyone knowing what they’re not seeing.点击进入:Sixent