TypeScript 4.1

2020-11-21 18:11:51

如果您不熟悉TypeScript,那么它是一种通过在JavaScript上添加类型声明和注释的语法而构建的语言。 TypeScript编译器可以使用此语法对我们的代码进行类型检查,然后输出可在许多不同的运行时上运行的清晰可读的JavaScript。由于TypeScript具有跨编辑器的丰富编辑功能,因此静态类型检查可以在代码运行之前甚至保存文件之前告诉我们代码中的错误。但是,除了进行错误检查外,TypeScript还可以在某些您喜欢的编辑器中为TypeScript和JavaScript提供诸如完成,快速修复和重构之类的功能。实际上,如果您已经在使用Visual Studio或Visual Studio Code,则在编写JavaScript代码时可能已经在使用TypeScript!因此,如果您有兴趣了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站!




function setVerticalAlignment ( color: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" ) { // ... } setVerticalAlignment ( "middel" ) ; // ~~~~~~~~ // error: Argument of type '"middel"' is not assignable to // parameter of type '"top" | "middle" | "bottom"'.


type Options = { [ K in "noImplicitAny" | "strictNullChecks" | "strictFunctionTypes" ]?: boolean } ; // same as // type Options = { // noImplicitAny?: boolean, // strictNullChecks?: boolean, // strictFunctionTypes?: boolean // };


这就是TypeScript 4.1带来模板文字字符串类型的原因。它具有与JavaScript中的模板文字字符串相同的语法,但用于类型位置。当将它与具体文字类型一起使用时,它将通过串联内容来产生新的字符串文字类型。

type World = "world" ; type Greeting = `hello ${ World }` ; // same as // type Greeting = "hello world";


type Color = "red" | "blue" ; type Quantity = "one" | "two" ; type SeussFish = ` ${ Quantity | Color } fish` ; // same as // type SeussFish = "one fish" | "two fish" // | "red fish" | "blue fish";

This can be used beyond cute examples in release notes. For example, several libraries for UI components have a way to specify both vertical and horizontal alignment in their APIs, often with both at once using a single string like "bottom-right". Between vertically aligning with "top", "middle", and "bottom", and horizontally aligning with "left", "center", and "right", there are 9 possible strings where each of the former strings is connected with each of the latter strings using a dash.

type VerticalAlignment = "top" | "middle" | "bottom" ; type HorizontalAlignment = "left" | "center" | "right" ; // Takes // | "top-left" | "top-center" | "top-right" // | "middle-left" | "middle-center" | "middle-right" // | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right" declare function setAlignment ( value: `${ VerticalAlignment } -${ HorizontalAlignment }` ): void ; setAlignment ( "top-left" ) ; // works! setAlignment ( "top-middel" ) ; // error! setAlignment ( "top-pot" ) ; // error! but good doughnuts if you're ever in Seattle


一些实际价值来自动态创建新的字符串文字。例如,想象一个makeWatchedObject API,它接受一个对象并产生一个几乎相同的对象,但是具有一个新的on方法来检测属性的变化。

let person = makeWatchedObject ( { firstName: "Homer" , age: 42 , // give-or-take location: "Springfield" , } ) ; person . on ( "firstNameChanged" , ( ) => { console . log ( `firstName was changed!` ) ; } ) ;

Notice that on listens on the event "firstNameChanged", not just "firstName". How would we type this?

type PropEventSource < T > = { on ( eventName: `${ string & keyof T } Changed` , callback: ( ) => void ): void ; } ; /// Create a "watched object" with an 'on' method /// so that you can watch for changes to properties. declare function makeWatchedObject < T > ( obj: T ): T & PropEventSource < T > ;


type PropEventSource < T > = { on < K extends string & keyof T > ( eventName: `${ K } Changed` , callback: ( newValue: T [ K ] ) => void ): void ; } ; declare function makeWatchedObject < T > ( obj: T ): T & PropEventSource < T > ; let person = makeWatchedObject ( { firstName: "Homer" , age: 42 , location: "Springfield" , } ) ; // works! 'newName' is typed as 'string' person . on ( "firstNameChanged" , newName => { // 'newName' has the type of 'firstName' console . log ( `new name is ${newName . toUpperCase ( ) }` ) ; } ) ; // works! 'newAge' is typed as 'number' person . on ( "ageChanged" , newAge => { if ( newAge < 0 ) { console . log ( "warning! negative age" ) ; } } )

Here we made on into a generic method. When a user calls with the string "firstNameChanged', TypeScript will try to infer the right type for K. To do that, it will match K against the content prior to "Changed" and infer the string "firstName". Once TypeScript figures that out, the on method can fetch the type of firstName on the original object, which is string in this case. Similarly, when we call with "ageChanged", it finds the type for the property age which is number).


type EnthusiasticGreeting < T extends string > = `${ Uppercase < T > }` type HELLO = EnthusiasticGreeting < "hello" > ; // same as // type HELLO = "HELLO";



type Options = { [ K in "noImplicitAny" | "strictNullChecks" | "strictFunctionTypes" ]?: boolean } ; // same as // type Options = { // noImplicitAny?: boolean, // strictNullChecks?: boolean, // strictFunctionTypes?: boolean // };

/// 'Partial<T>' is the same as 'T', but with each property marked optional. type Partial < T > = { [ K in keyof T ]?: T [ K ] } ;


因此,TypeScript 4.1允许您使用新的as子句重新映射映射类型中的键。

type MappedTypeWithNewKeys < T > = { [ K in keyof T as NewKeyType ]: T [ K ] // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // This is the new syntax! }


type Getters < T > = { [ K in keyof T as `get ${ Capitalize < string & K > }` ]: ( ) => T [ K ] } ; interface Person { name: string ; age: number ; location: string ; } type LazyPerson = Getters < Person > ;


// Remove the 'kind' property type RemoveKindField < T > = { [ K in keyof T as Exclude < K , "kind" > ]: T [ K ] } ; interface Circle { kind: "circle" ; radius: number ; } type KindlessCircle = RemoveKindField < Circle > ; // same as // type KindlessCircle = { // radius: number; // };

在JavaScript中,常见的功能是可以扁平化并建立任意级别的容器类型。例如,考虑Promise实例上的.then()方法。 .then(...)解开每个诺言,直到找到一个不像“承诺”那样的值,然后将该值传递给回调。数组上还有一个相对较新的flat方法,可以深入了解要展平的深度。


这就是为什么TypeScript 4.1减轻了对条件类型的一些限制-以便他们可以对这些模式进行建模。在TypeScript 4.1中,条件类型现在可以立即在其分支中引用自身,从而更容易编写递归类型别名。


type ElementType < T > = T extends ReadonlyArray < infer U > ? ElementType < U > : T ; function deepFlatten < T extends readonly unknown [ ] > ( x: T ): ElementType < T > [ ] { throw "not implemented" ; } // All of these return the type 'number[]': deepFlatten ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ; deepFlatten ( [ [ 1 ] , [ 2 , 3 ] ] ) ; deepFlatten ( [ [ 1 ] , [ [ 2 ] ] , [ [ [ 3 ] ] ] ] ) ;

type Awaited < T > = T extends PromiseLike < infer U > ? Awaited < U > : T ; /// Like `promise.then(...)`, but more accurate in types. declare function customThen < T , U > ( p: Promise < T > , onFulfilled: ( value: Awaited < T > ) => U ): Promise < Awaited < U > > ;





interface Options { path: string ; permissions: number ; // Extra properties are caught by this index signature. [ propName: string ]: string | number ; } function checkOptions ( opts: Options ) { opts . path // string opts . permissions // number // These are all allowed too! // They have the type 'string | number'. opts . yadda . toString ( ) ; opts [ "foo bar baz" ] . toString ( ) ; opts [ Math . random ( ) ] . toString ( ) ; }


That’s why TypeScript 4.1 ships with a new flag called --noUncheckedIndexedAccess. Under this new mode, every property access (like foo.bar) or indexed access (like foo["bar"]) is considered potentially undefined. That means that in our last example, opts.yadda will have the type string | number | undefined as opposed to just string | number. If you need to access that property, you’ll either have to check for its existence first or use a non-null assertion operator (the postfix ! character).

// Checking if it's really there first. if ( opts . yadda ) { console . log ( opts . yadda . toString ( ) ) ; } // Basically saying "trust me I know what I'm doing" // with the '!' non-null assertion operator. opts . yadda! . toString ( ) ;


function screamLines ( strs: string [ ] ) { // this will have issues for ( let i = 0 ; i < strs . length ; i ++ ) { console . log ( strs [ i ] . toUpperCase ( ) ) ; // ~~~~~~~ // error! Object is possibly 'undefined'. } }


function screamLines ( strs: string [ ] ) { // this works fine for ( const str of strs ) { console . log ( str . toUpperCase ( ) ) ; } // this works fine strs . forEach ( str => { console . log ( str . toUpperCase ( ) ) ; } ) ; }




在TypeScript 4.1中,可以在没有baseUrl的情况下使用path选项。这有助于避免其中一些问题。


TypeScript 4.1通过jsx编译器选项的两个新选项支持React 17即将推出的jsx和jsxs工厂功能:


// ./src/tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "module": "esnext" , "target": "es2015" , "jsx": "react-jsx" , "strict": true } , "include": [ "./**/*" ] }


// @filename: first.ts export class C { } // @filename: main.ts import * as first from './first' ; /** * @see first.C */ function related ( ) { }



Previously, for an expression like foo && somethingElse, the type of foo was any or unknown, the type of the whole that expression would be the type of somethingElse.

declare let foo: unknown ; declare let somethingElse: { someProp: string } ; let x = foo && somethingElse ;

However, in TypeScript 4.1, we are more careful about how we determine this type. Since nothing is known about the type on the left side of the &&, we propagate any and unknown outward instead of the type on the right side.


function isThing ( x: any ): boolean { return x && typeof x === 'object' && x . blah === 'foo' ; }

Often the appropriate fix is to switch from foo && someExpression to !!foo && someExpression.

resolve() ~~~~~~~~~error TS2554: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0. An argument for 'value' was not provided.


However, sometimes resolve() really does need to be called without an argument. In these cases, we can give Promise an explicit void generic type argument (i.e. write it out as Promise<void>). This leverages new functionality in TypeScript 4.1 where a potentially- void trailing parameter can become optional.

在JavaScript中,对象传播(如{... foo})不会对虚假值起作用。因此,在类似{... foo}的代码中,如果foo为null或未定义,则会跳过foo。

interface Person { name: string ; age: number ; location: string ; } interface Animal { name: string ; owner: Person ; } function copyOwner ( pet?: Animal ) { return { ... ( pet && pet . owner ) , otherStuff: 123 } } // We could also use optional chaining here: function copyOwner ( pet?: Animal ) { return { ... ( pet? . owner ) , otherStuff: 123 } }


{x:数字} | {x:数字,名称:字符串,年龄:数字,位置:字符串}

